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Found To Be At Fault For A Car Accident? Don't Avoid Medical Care

Car accidents can cause very serious injuries to anyone involved, whether you caused the accident or not. When people are found to be at fault for a car accident, they may be worried about getting medical care because they are unsure of how it will be paid for.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries In Florida

Every year, about eight million people visit emergency rooms due to falls.

What to Know : Repairing Your Car After Crash

After a Florida car accident, many drivers are genuinely concerned about how the repairs to their vehicles will be handled or who is going to pay the repair costs if the vehicle has been totaled.

Statute of Limitations: Is It Too Late To Pursue Your Claim?

The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Florida varies according to the type of injury. In general, the deadline is between 2 and 4 years after the injury.

Returning To Work After An Injury: What Should You Know?

There are a lot of reasons why you may be returning to work from injury. Maybe your treating physician has cleared you because you are healthy enough to return. Perhaps you are eager to get back to work and re-establish your previous life routine.