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The Link Between Accident Trauma & Migraines

Car accidents can result in a wide range of injuries. Head and brain injuries in particular can have long-term and life-altering repercussions, making them the most concerning. Following traumatic brain injuries like concussions, post-traumatic headaches are common. Even with minor head trauma and whiplash injuries, migraines are quite common following car accidents in Florida.

How to Prepare for an MRI Scan in Pinellas

In Pinellas county, an MRI scan is not something anyone looks forward to. Many of us are terrified by hearing that our doctor has recommended that we get an MRI. In anticipation of the appointment our minds are instantly filled with dread. MRIs might cause you to experience a reaction like this if your doctor has recommended one. There's no need to be surprised at this response; you're not the only person who experiences this. Contrary to what you might be imagining, the process itself is far less frightening than the anticipation of this scan. Nothing more is required of you than to be still for a few moments during the process. If you need an MRI in Pinellas county contact 1-888-DOCS4PI. We'll match you with an expert from our medical staff that can conduct your MRI and put you at ease during the appointment.

Injured in Pedestrian Accident? Know Your Settlement Options

When it comes to filing an insurance claim or suing after an injury, most people have questions on their minds like "How much can I expect to receive as a settlement?" and what will determine my settlement amount. This is exactly the same for pedestrians struck by vehicles. There might be an added sense of urgency in these cases as the parties involved in the accident are somewhat disparate - the person driving the massive car and the defenseless pedestrian. Pedestrians rarely walk away without injuries.

Why the First 14 Days After a Car Accident are so Important

Following a car accident, you may find it difficult to deal with the aftermath. As well as dealing with medical problems and insurance companies, you might also have to deal with unpaid bills and piles of paperwork. Learn what steps you should take immediately after an accident.

How Many People Die in Car Accidents Every Year

It's confirmed by the statistics. There are too many distracted, negligent, and frustrated drivers out there.